Last Updated on: 31st December 2023, 02:52 pm
Nicknames for short people can be most amazing and fun, and keep in mind it must not be taunting or to hurt to someone. Pick the fun, cute names for shorter than you folks, without any discrimination. Because short people are the blessing for many of us.
How and why do we say that is pretty confusing to those who only look at these people with some sort of dislike or negative feelings for them.
Well, before we start with the list of all the cool nicknames you can use for short people, let us tell you why they are a blessing in disguise.
Tip: You can use these names as a nickname for your best friends or siblings
To pick a cute name for short friend you should research and studies reveal that short guys are better in terms of health and personal life. They tend to have a longer and healthier life in comparison to tall guys.
For example, they are not prone to cancer and have amazing relationships with their spouses. Likewise, short females have tons of advantages; both personal and professional. isn’t it amazing?
Well, despite all these perks of being short, they are given names for some odd reasons. It is not what they deserve but still, we have names for god knows what reason.
Here, in this article, we have catered to the list of nicknames for short people including both genders.
But before we delve in, let’s cater to the frequently asked question.
What to Call Short People irrespective of Gender?
In movies, schools, hangouts, and certain formal or informal places, short people are generally referred to as “USB“, “Tiny Boo” “Shorty”, “Short Pants”, or “Short Bums”. Situations and scenarios depict the meaning of a short person with fewer brains and are called “Short Head”, “Short Beans”, etc.
Related: Nicknames for Short Girls
What are Some Nicknames for Short People?
There are plenty of names which doesn’t mean anything when it comes to knowing their meaning. Instead, they are there just for fun. When friends sit together and want to joke around, they often call people with something they can get associated with.
For example, if a short person likes or dislikes something in the food, people would go like “See, a marshmallow is having another marshmallow”.
This would mean that the marshmallow is short and small, hence the short person who is having marshmallow has the chance to be a marshmallow.
Indeed, it is pretty rude but again that is how this world works. Keeping the funny short names for those who are not of normal height are mentioned below.
Read | Funny Skeleton Names
Popular Nicknames for Short People
- Teeny
- Bubbles
- Half-pint
- Tootie
- Shortstop
- Micro
- Runt
- toots
- Tinkerbell
- Pez
- Lowrider
- Midge
- Monkey
- Jockey
- House mouse
- Chibi
- Sparky
- Chiby
- Hobbit
- Shawty
- Rabbit
- Pygmy
- Pillow
- Nugget
- Todd
- Mity
- Tiny tot
- Shortney
- Shortstop
- Pint-size
- Peanut
- Keebler
- Tiny
- Stub
Related: Fun Names for Meetings
Best Nicknames to Call Short People
- Shot glass
- Mini-muffin
- Shortcake
- Shorts
- Poodle
- Pee-wee
- Pebbles
- Low
- Tater tot
- Sweet pea
- Lighter
- Midge
- Small stuff
- Short Stuff
- Lowrider
- Throw toy
- Smurfette
- Small fry
- Wee-lassie
- Value size
- Eggy
- Bit
Funny Nicknames to Call Short People
- Koala
- Kiddo
- Smalls
- Smallie
- Tot
- Sip
- Lil Angel
- Knee-high
- Wee-bit
- Toddler
- Wonder
- Powerpuff
- Bird
- Knife
- Quickie
- Toddie
- Loompa
- Tikes
- Shrimp
- Shorty
- Puppy
- Haggle
- Wee-lassie
- Sparky
- Value Size
- Vertically Challenged
- Stumpy
- Lighter
- Shot glass
- Micro
- Rabbit
- Wolfy
- Bee
- Bullet
- Short Boss
- Shorts
- Lil Angel
- Little Bird
- Tea Cup
Contact Names for Short People
- Pixie
- Itty bitty
- Minnie
- Midget
- Tic Tac
- Tea Cup
- Tinkerbell
- Small Bite
- Little Giant
- Square
- Little
- Kitten
- Teeny
- Stumpy
- Runt
- Mini
- Leprechaun
- Mouse
- Eggi
- Micro
Nicknames for Short Girls
Girls are mostly cute for fact that they know how to dress up to entice others. Besides that, they are one of those creatures who don’t need much to look or act cute.
But then there are some girls who tend to look cute when they actually are all masking it up on the face.
Here, in this section, you will find a list of nicknames that you can use for short but cute girls.
- Kiddo
- Rudy
- Baby doll
- Mini me
- Thumb
- Chiky
- Bun buns
- Pumpo
- Cuti
- Foxy
- Lil star
Related: Flower Names for Girls
Cool Nicknames for Short Boy
We know that nicknames are for everyone, fat or thin, short or tall, etc. The same way we happen to set nicknames out of blue and sometimes intentionally for short guys too.
Enlisted below is a long list of nicknames that suit short boys or rather men. Enjoy!
- Ducky
- Frodo
- Halfie
- Mega Man
- Mouse
- Boo-Boo
- Poodle
- Rat
- Little Sexy
- Wee Man
- Biggie
- Lil Mo
- Mega Man
- Napoleon
- Alf
Funny Offensive Nicknames for Short People
In a society that often values tall people, those on the shorter side can sometimes feel left out. But there’s no need to worry – being short has its perks, too! Here are some of the best nicknames for short people.
Do you ever feel like you don’t quite measure up? If you’re on the shorter side, you’re not alone. In fact, about 60% of Americans are shorter than 6 feet tall.
But being short doesn’t have to be a bad thing! There are lots of advantages to being a mini.
You’ll never have to worry about not fitting into small spaces or reaching things on high shelves. And people tend to think of you as more youthful and cute – who doesn’t want that?
There are plenty of nicknames for short people that are both funny and offensive. Here are just a few you can find below:
- “Shorty” – This is probably the most common nickname for someone who is short. It’s not necessarily offensive, but it can be used in a teasing way.
- “Tiny” – Another common nickname for someone who is short. Again, it’s not necessarily offensive, but it can be used in a derogatory way.
- “Shrimp” – This is an offensive nickname for someone who is short. It implies that they are small and insignificant.
- “Midget” – This is an extremely offensive nickname for someone who is short. It is often used to describe people with dwarfism in a negative way.
- “Stumpy” – This is a derogatory nickname for someone who is short. It implies that they are short and have stubby legs.
- Mini-muffin
- Mighty Mite
- Might Mouse
- Barbie cakes
- Rain Man
- Chipmunk
- Stool
- Great White
- El peque
- Cocaine
- Betty
- Pebbles
- Chiby
- Mutt
- Kapow
- Smalls
- oddie
- Toddler
- Tic Tac
- Runt
- Pez
- mini-me
- Fun Sized
- Titanic
- Little Boy
- Smidget
- Race
- Cheese
Good Nicknames for Short People
You may have noticed that people like to give them nicknames if a person is short. Whether it’s a term of endearment or fun, these names are often based on your height.
Here are some of the good nicknames for short people:
- Little-name: This is probably the most famous nickname for short people. If your name is John, you might be called “Little John.” If your name is Sarah, you might be called “Little Sarah.” The list goes on and on.
- Tiny-name: This is another popular nickname for short people. If you’re really small, you might even be called “Tiny Tim.”
- The-name: This is a nickname that’s often used for shorter men. It’s often used for guys with very common names like Tom and Dick.
- Shorty: This is another nickname that’s used for really short people. It comes from short people being shorter than most other people.
- Pillow
- Goldie
- Mega Man
- Apple
- Burger
- Patootie
- Cadet
- Kiddo
- Teeny
- Peanut
- Hedgehog
- Gina
- Pebbles
- Half-pint
- Chibi
- Burner
- Shorty
- Half pint
- Hot wheels
- Chicken
- Little Guy
- Wee-bit
- Leg rest
- Kefka
- Avocado
- Smitty
- Pint-size
- Icepick
- Biggie
- Smurfette
- Lil’ Elf
- Little Dick
- Little Mr
- Stub
- Babycakes
- Dark Knight
- Foo Foo
- Tea Cup
- Lil star
- Thumbelina
- Armrest
- Freezer
- Napoleon
- Don’t Sweat
- Short Boss
- Bandit
- Pee-wee
- Sinatra
- Cuddly Cuddly
- Short star
- Pinty mouse
- Teddy
- Belly
- Shortstack
- toots
- Smalls
- Black sheep
- Lowrider
- Smitty
- Pump
- Square
- Little Runner
- River rose
- Tot
- Black Swan
Slang Nicknames for Short People
Some common slang terms for short people include “midget,” “dwarf,” and “little person.”
While these terms may seem harmless, they can be quite offensive to some individuals.
Short people have long been the subject of discrimination and jokes, but that doesn’t mean they’re any less deserving of respect.
We have listed some slang words here; you can combine these words with your short friend’s name. Like Hobnob Michel, Chill Jhon, and Popo Cristi.
Here is some slang that can be used with names or nicknames for short people you can find in this list.
- Emo
- Cram
- Bae
- Swole
- Hobnob
- Lit
- Drownin’
- Hot
- Dank
- Salty
- Gucci
- W
- Chill
- A-Game
- Dope!
- Fam
- Turnt
- Airhead
- Bomb
- Flex
- Dead
- Cringe
- Dude
- Blue-Collar
- Woke
- Yikes!
- Slay
- Smol
- Yeet!
- Hip
- Babe
- Poppin’
- Whip
- Cheugy
- Fleek
- Shook
- Curve
- Finna
- Hypebeast
- Snack
- Low-key
- Boujee
- Popo
- Fuzz
- Oops!
- Stan
- Cool
- Lemon
- Drip
- Spox
- Lewk
- Copium
- Shady
- Dms’
- Crash
- Wig
- Steez
- Flakey
- Simp
- Ghost
- White-Collar
- L
- Sus
- Sick
- Periodt.
- Cray
- Nuts
- Finsta
- Snatched
- Sawbuck
- E-Girl
- E-Boy
- Yuppie
Mean Nicknames for Short People
- Stool
- Bug
- Teddy
- Micro
- Sprout
- Half man
- Elfy
- Knight
- Sinatra
- Sweetpea
- Mini
- Little Guy
- Sip
- Messi
- Bullet
- Chiky
- Coffee Table
- Monkey
- Hand Rest
- Little Boy
- Little Girl
Nicknames for Short People That Double As Food
- Todd
- Smurfette
- Lil’ Elf
- Puppy
- Napoleon
- Tiny tot
- Pocket Knife
- Dwarf
- Tsuchiya
- Toddler
- Bilbo
- Teeny
- Kitten
- Apple
- Short Stuff
- Stub
- Quickie
- Clockwork Orange
- Thorin
- Pixie
- Koala
Rude Nicknames for Short People
- Prototype
- Yoda
- Lil’ cutie
- The Mechanic
- Low Pockets
- Bubbles
- Oompa Loompa
- Keebler
- Frodo
- Peewee
- Pinky
- Chaparrito
- Pygmy
- Ponytah
- Runt
- Bonsai
- Munchkin
- Sawed-Off
- Gremlin
- Rudy
Offensive Nicknames for Short People
- Krilin
- Nugget
- Fun Size
- Wee Man
- Tater tot
- Vegeta
- Small stuff
- Lil ‘Gnome
- Chromie
- Pinkie
- Tot
- Speedy Gonzales
- Midge
- Short Step
- Mini-me
- Dwarfy
- Smalls
- Short Step
- Dwarf
- Death Eater
Fun Nicknames for Short People
- Pickle
- Toddie
- Mini-me
- Small Bite
- Asta
- Little Lamb
- Tiny
- Shortney
- Tiny tot
- Tinkerbell
- Cuddle goblin
- Pocket Knife
- Small Bite
- Yoda
- Tootie
- Apple Pie
- Little Sexy
- Vegeta
- Sweet pea
- Gollum
- Taz
- Shorty
- Shortcake
Cure Nicknames for Short People
- Pillow
- USB Pro
- Peanut
- Tiny Poo
- Poodle
- Tyrion Lannister
- Blossom Butt
- Munchkin
- Wee Man
- Goldfish
- Godfather
- Gimli
- Shrimp
- Short cake
- Kitten
- Small fry
- Tic Tac
- Cherry
- Power half girl
- Sweet and low
Cute and Cool Nicknames for Short People
- Throw toy
- Shorty
- Imp
- Prince
- Sawed Off
- Gnome
- Value size
- Widget
- White Noise
- Hand rest
- Chopper
- Minnie
- Lil One
- Tea Cup
- Lily Angel
- Little Tikes
- Teeny
- Nugget
- Low Pockets
- Small Thing
Insulting Nicknames for Short People
- Mindless Boy
- Starshine
- Freezer
- Smallie
- Gnome
- Pocket Lighter
- Ant
- Cupcake
- Bun buns
- Bowl holder
- Powerpuff girl
- Halfie
- Peanut
- Shortstop
- Half Man/Half Woman
- Pint-size
- Little One
- Hobbit
- Levaeh
- Eggy
- Lil’ cutie
Clever Nicknames for Short People
- Prototype
- Pixie
- Thumbelina
- Minion
- Foo Foo
- Small fry
- Tyrion Lannister
- Wonder
- Elfkin
- Pocket Lighter
- Santa’s Little Helper
- Tatter tot
- Cherry
- Mighty Mouse
- Wee-bit
- Low Rider
- Pocket Square
- Tinker Bell
- Ewok
- Santa’s Little Helper
- Knee-high
- Mosquito Boy
- Pipsqueak
- Dexter
- Midget
That’s all for this list, we hope you would love this nicknames for short people, Feel free to tell us what short names do you have by your friends and family members. Keep visiting the Cool Names for an updated name list for pets, people, and games. Thank you..
How Short People Feel about being Called by Nicknames?
In our society, short people are often looked down upon and made to feel uncomfortable in their own skin.
They are commonly called names such as “shorty,” “midget,” and “little person.” These names can be hurtful and make short people feel like they are less than others. You must avoid using these names.
While some short people may embrace these nicknames, others may feel self-conscious and uncomfortable about them.
It can be difficult for short people to find clothes that fit properly, and they may be teased or made fun of by taller people.
Short people have to work hard to prove themselves in a world that often favors those who are tall.
Despite the challenges, there are many successful and happy short people out there who have learned to love themselves just the way they are.
So, a nickname for a short person should be chosen wisely; the purpose of the name must not be hurting someone.
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Saba is a Public Administration graduate and a social media and gaming geek, belongs to a business background, and helps people to choose their business names. She loves to write on topics related to business tips, and suggestions about selecting a unique name and related niches.