Last Updated on: 22nd December 2023, 05:20 pm
If you want to know your importance in someone’s life, most probably, your friend’s or family, there is a way you can do that.
However, it may not only be the way; it is among the many. See if they have saved your contact number with a nickname instead of your real name.
And it’s a pretty good feeling when you see a cool or cute nickname as a contact name on someone else’s phone.
You, too, would’ve saved someone else’s (your friend’s, girlfriend’s, or boyfriend’s) contact number with a nickname. What steps should you keep in mind when saving a contact name? What are the factors? Let’s see.
Cool Contact Names for Mother
- Momma
- Sleeping Pill
- Wonderwoman
- The Apple of My Eye
- The Crush
- Lovely
- The Mind Reader
- Mumpy
- Amma
- Muffy
- Sunshine and Smiles
- The Refreshing Breeze
- Busy Bee
- Heaven on Earth
- Dear Mama
- Momsta
- Queen of the World
- The Boss
- Titan
- Firefly
- Protector
- Life Coach
- Cuttie
- Best of all
- Super Human
- Household CEO
- Meema
- Mutter
- The Cuddlier
- Sergent
- My Wonderwoman Mommy
- Superwoman
- The Queen of Everything
- The Most Beautiful Woman Ever
- Old Lady
- Hearty
- Supermom
- Grocery Mom
- Secret Keeper
- Commander In Chief
- Commander
- Mommykins
- Snoopy Mom
- Snoopy
- The Best Chef in the World
- The Magician
- Home Officer
- Easy Breezy
- The Amazing One
- Beautiful Goddess of Mine
- Mrs. Mommy!
- The Ruler of the World
- My Queen
- Prettiest
- The Queen Bee
- My Everything and More!
- Princess
- Queen of Hearts
- Mummy Me
- Taffy
- The Best Mom Ever!
- The Love of My Life
- Hot Sauce
- Sunny
- Nightingale
- Home Queener
- Google Eye
- Busy Fingers
- My Super Mommy
- The Greatest Creation!
- Bubbles
- The Best of the Bunch
- Mombasa
- Double Trouble
- Mama Yo
- Momster
- Executive Chef
- Dr Fix-It
- The Real MVP
- Wonder Woman
- Mumsy
- Mrs Lullaby
- Manners
- MayMay
- Joy Giver
- The Law
- Momentum
- Mammy
- Secret Library
- Snuggles
- Momey Minny
- Cutino
- Don’t Do This & Don’t Do That
- Momette
- My Starlight!
- Life Sustainer
- Tough Skin
- Sparkly White
- Sunshine
- My Love
- My Everything
- Momzilla
- The Invader
- Minnie Mouse
- Mommy
- Mother Nature or Earth Mother
- Bella from Twilight
- Brown Skin
- The Reactor
- Sweet Mama
- Detect Thief
- My Biggest Fan
- The Boss Lady
- Moonlight
- Brummy Mummy
- Your Royal Highness
- Sweet Mom
- Heartbeat
- Super Detective
- The Instructor
- Law Maker
- The Holocaust
- Big Banger
- Splinter Cell
- Moon Pie
- My Angel
- My World
- The Best Person I Know
- The One and Only!
- Boss Lady
- Candy Floss
- Goddess of Wisdom and Strength
- Pretty Lady
- Virgin Girl
- Mamacetamol
- Mumon
- Golden Mom
- Chef Chi
- Pot Holder
- Momzie
- Momager
Related: Nicknames for daughters
Contact Names for Father
- Big Papa
- Wise One
- International Dad
- Cute Captain
- Santa Claus
- Snoozie Bear
- Perfect Dad
- Soldier Boy
- Lava Rock
- Amore
- King
- Old Man
- Cute Champ
- Money Man
- Adam
- Big Boss
- Ever dad
- Daddy Bear
- Zaddy
- Big Daddy
- Daddy Yo
- Laziest
- Hard worker
- Boom boom
- Armstrong
- Cool Breeze
- Papa Bear
- 7
- My Superhero
- Watch Tower
- Scorpion King
- Gentle Bear
- Mr Gorgeous
- My Poult
- Near & Dear
- Jelly Man
- Boom Boom
- Hurricane
- Mr Handsome
- Tarzan
- James Bond
- Sleepy
- Brave Heart
- My Commander
- Sparkle
- My Helper
- Night Crawler
- No Drama
- Solution Store
- Forever Chef
- Magic King
- Big Show
- Super Man
- Gentle Soul
- Ababa
- Governor
- Night Watch
- That guy
- Pop Pop
- Commander In Chief
- Mummy’s Boyfriend
- Workaholic
- Greek God
- Smurfy Dad
- Softgun
- Dada
- Abba
- The Man
- Tatko
- Papita
- Houdini
- Handyman
- Genius
- North Cracker
- Caring Bear
- Papa Johnson
- Cookie Monster
- Dude
- The Philosopher
- A Few Good Men
- Dad
- Papa
- Lion Daddy
- Finance Minister
- The PM
- Einstein
- Admiral
- Fred Flinstone
- Mufasa
- Daddi
- Care Bear
- Beany
- Momo
- Pure Heart
- My Paddy
- Game Over Man
- Cool Pop
- Bourbon
- Sensei
- Superhero
- Big Man
- Flaming Cuttie
- Jolly Daddy
- Papi
- Crazy Good Man
- Prime minister
- Diamond
- Fine Magician
- Grizzly
- Man of Steel
- Daddy Poppins
- Wise Owl
- Worker Bee
- Parental
- Alpha Male
- Family Man
- My Knight
- Lion Heart
- Paparazi
- The Godfather
- My Model
- Pabeque
- Jumbo man
- Daddy Dearest
- Don Daddy
- Modern Man
- Dumbledore
- Papa Smurf
- Hard Hearer
- Her Dad
- The Supporter
- Life Changer
- Baldy
- The Wolf
- Burden Bearer
- Rockstar
- Boss Man
- Remote Control
- Man Presido
- The Wise Owl
- Golden Man
- Truth
- Everest
- Tree of Life
- Whitey
- Magic Man
- Sweet Potato
- Your Royal Highness
- Big Ba
- Papai
Related: Nicknames for Short Girls
Contact Names for Sister
- All Rounder
- Dewdrop
- Fluffy
- Turtle
- Cute Demon
- Ghost Buster
- Adorable
- Picklehead
- Pumpkin
- Apple eye
- My Girl
- Dove
- 2nd Mother
- Three Times A Lady
- Smallie
- Sugar Puff
- Weirdo
- My King
- Butterscotch
- Kitty Cat
- My Pearl
- Babyface
- Hot Shot
- Sweet Sixteen
- Choco Pop
- Goldfish
- Newbie
- Brainiac
- Rolly Polly
- Smarty
- Bunny Bear
- Bangaram
- Cuddle Bunny
- Blue Eyes
- Freckles
- Baby Cakes
- Bear
- Cute Toy
- Guardian Angel
- Munchkin
- Cookie
- Buntie
- Treasure
- Barbie Doll
- Shona
- Pooh
- Breaking Bahd
- Honey Butt
- Crazy Pants
- Little bean
- Giggles
- Gorgeous
- Space Queen
- Marshmallow
- Sugar Mama
- Snoopy
- Confessor
- Little Lady
- Opal
- Kiddie
- Mrs Gorgeous
- Big Bum
- Infinite Love
- My Super Woman
- Perfect Match
- Sunshine
- First Love
- My Magic
- One of Us
- Adopted
- Black Sheep
- Cutie Trick
- Penny pizza
- Babykins
- Potato Chips
- Honey Bear
- Twinkle
- Beautiful Devil
- Lilly
- Strong Attraction
- My Romeo
- Captain Of My Soul
- Red Cheeks
- Short stuff
- Valentine
- Sweet Apple
- Angel Mama
- Love Of My Life
- Lifeline
- Heart Taker
- Baby Face
- Secrete Lover
- Sweet Pumpkin
- Perfectionist
- My Dearest One
- Milk & Honey
- Dramaqueen
- Duckling
- Little Sister
- Bubba
- Tough Guy
- Solution Master
- Rosy Lips
- Loveliest Man
- Bestie
- Magic Prince
- Firecracker
- Happy eyes
- Anchor
- Honey Muffin
- Local Man
- Daddy Poppins
- Cheeseball
- Chunkmeister
- Apollo
- Moody
- Muggle
- Baby Girl
- Angelic Heart
- Sweetie
- Bubbles
- Sugar Baby
- Captain
- Beagle
- Bag of Tricks
- Grasshopper
- Hairball
- Donuts
- Matchstick
- Bookworm
- Hermanita
- Dimple Queen
- Man On Duty
- Cupid Angel
- Sweetie Pie
- My Wifi
- Jasmine
- Great Woman
- Rabbit Lover
- Cherry balls
- Biscuit
- Sweetoo
- My Breath
- Teddy Bear
- Baby Bear
- Gummy bear
- Brosky
- I’m In Love
- Heartie
- Monalisa
- Baby Maa
- Crazy Queen
- Sweetheart
- Cuddlie
- Angry Bird
- Fashionista
- Pint Size
- My Best Girl
- Flaming Beauty
- Sweetpea
- Lucky Charm
- Chili Milli
- Muffin
- Snuggles
- Smart Cookie
- Unforgettable
- My Everything
- Jellybean
- Minion
- Kiddo Chips
- Hot Magnet
Contact Names for Brother
- Sweet Cake
- Bubbles
- Little Bro
- Bubba
- Firecracker
- Happy eyes
- Teddy Bear
- Baby Bear
- Sweetpea
- Lucky Charm
- Crazy Pants
- Little bean
- Jellybean
- Minion
- Giggles
- Handsome
- Moody
- Muggle
- Penny pizza
- Babykins
- Newbie
- Brainiac
- Choco Pop
- Goldfish
- Black Sheep
- Cutie Trick
- Freckles
- Baby Cakes
- Bookworm
- Cheeseball
- Chunkmeister
- Snuggles
- Smart Cookie
- One of Us
- Adopted
- Red Cheeks
- Short stuff
- Pumpkin
- Apple eye
- Rolly Polly
- Smarty
- Donuts
- Matchstick
- Dramaqueen
- Duckling
- Fashionista
- Pint Size
- Fluffy
- Turtle
- Grasshopper
- Hairball
- Smallie
- Sugar Puff
- Chili Milli
- Muffin
- Confessor
- Little Lady
- Space Queen
- Marshmallow
- Guardian Angel
- Munchkin
- Gummy bear
- Brosky
- Cherry balls
- Biscuit
- Beagle
- Bag of Tricks
- Baby Face
- Secret Lover
- 2nd Baba
- Three Times A Lady
- Crazy Queen
- Sweetheart
- Baby Boy
- Angelic Heart
- Valentine
- Sweet Apple
- Sugar Baby
- Captain
- Anchor
- Honey Muffin
- Angel Mama
- Love Of My Life
- Monalisa
- Baby Maa
- Treasure
- Barbie Doll
- Unforgettable
- My Everything
- My Romeo
- Captain Of My Soul
- Hot Shot
- Sweet Sixteen
- Potato Chips
- Honey Bear
- All Rounder
- Dewdrop
- Cute Demon
- Ghost Buster
- Cuddle Bunny
- Blue Eyes
- Cupid Angel
- Sweetie Pie
- Great Woman
- Rabbit Lover
- My Boi
- Dove
- Cuddle
- Angry Bird
- Pooh
- My Dearest One
- Milk & Honey
- Sugar Mama
- Snoopy
- Lilly
- Strong Attraction
- Breaking Bahd
- Honey Butt
- Mrs Gorgeous
- Big Bum
- Butterscotch
- Kitty Cat
- Infinite Love
- My Super Woman
- Bestie
- Magic Prince
- Perfect Match
- Sunshine
- Local Man
- Daddy Poppins
- Lifeline
- Heart Taker
- Cookie
- Buntie
- Bunny Bear
- Bangaram
- Dimple Queen
- Man On Duty
- My Wifi
- Jasmine
- Rosy Lips
- Loveliest Man
- Adorable
- Picklehead
- My Pearl
- Babyface
- Bear
- Cute Toy
- Opal
- Kiddie
- Kiddo Chips
- Hot Magnet
- My Best Girl
- Flaming Beauty
- Heartie
- Weirdo
- My King
- First Love
- My Magic
- Twinkle
- Beautiful Devil
- Tough Guy
- Solution Master
- Sweetoo
- My Breath
- Sweet Pumpkin
- Perfectionist
- Apollo
Related: Cool Nicknames for Girls
Contact Name for Girlfriend
- Firefly
- My Melody
- Canoodle
- Hot Chick
- Pumpkin
- Love Bug
- Gummie Dove
- Pinky
- My Eternal
- Buttercup
- Baby Dove
- Spring
- My Doll
- Brown Sugar
- Shortie
- Beaz
- Doodle Bug
- Stud Muffin
- My Fairy
- Pretty Face
- Sweet Tea
- Precious
- Darling
- Colourful Bubbles
- Knight
- Frienemy
- Proton
- Brainiac
- Mamarazzi
- Care Bear
- Firecracker
- Shy guy
- Pickle
- Monkey
- Babylicious
- Fruit Juice
- Hunny Bunny
- Cheeky
- Heart Stealer
- Baby
- Lady B
- Inspector General
- Hot Stuff
- My Lucky Charm
- Everything
- Safety monkey
- Cool Kid
- Mrs World
- Perfect Queen
- Lemon
- Funny Honey
- Soulful
- Baby Girl
- Doodle Bug
- Cock Raider
- Pretty Lil Thing
- Buttercup
- Chilli
- Road dawg
- Superfriend
- Sneaky
- Funny Hunny
- Hoodie
- Giggles
- Drake
- Maybe
- Smarty
- Boss
- Hottie
- Burble Butt
- My Heart
- Chocolate Queen
- Joy
- Cinderella
- Young buck
- Hawkeye
- Mini Skirt
- Foxy Mama
- Sugar Lips
- Queen
- Knuckles
- Skipper
- Biscuit
- Popcorn
- Friend of life
- Handsome
- Darling Pie
- Painted Lady
- Pooh
- Kitten
- Shiny Eyes
- My Bae
- Dream Queen
- Little Muppet
- Heart Life
- Honey Lips
- Poppyseed
- Sunshine
- French Fry
- Cute panda
- Soft Cake
- Lover Girl
- Boomer
- Sourdough
- Happiness
- Cherish
- Doll Face
- Honey
- Crazy Eyes
- Diamond
- Chatter Box
- Blingo
- Sweet Angel
- Peach
- The owl
- Bid daddy
- My Lollipop
- Juliet
- Firefly
- Gumdrop
- Cold Brew
- Freckles
- Bear Boo
- Goober
- Sugar Bunny
- Better Half
- Snuggly
- Wife Material
- Hop
- Cuddles
- Sweetums
- Boulder
- Righty
- Flower Child
- Romeo
- Mang
- Teacup
- Dementor
- Daisy
- My Dove
- Hot Mama
- Cherry pie
- Numberz
- Bossy
- My Babe
- Summer Sun
- Beautiful Soul
- My Missing Ribs
- Pretty Head
- Black Coffee
- Sparkly White
- One In A Million
- All Mine
- Pretty Lady
- Gorgeous
- Angel Baby
- Baby Face
- Cupid
- Captain
- The Hulk
- Razor
- Fruit Loop
- Too Cute
- Angelito
- Donut
- Rose
- Harsh Love
- Soft Lips
Related: Nicknames for Husband
Contact Names for Boyfriend
- Mr. Universe
- Rude Boy
- My only one
- True love
- Pant Shifter
- My Hero
- iceberg
- Doll Face
- Playboy
- Sunshine
- Freaky Boo
- Chimpu
- Iron man
- My faith
- Booboo Bear
- Heart Code
- Big Daddy
- Charly
- The beast
- Snake babu
- My Lover Boy
- Bambi
- Boo Thang
- Sparkly
- Pastries
- Muffin
- Candy Crush
- Lover Boy
- Love Bug
- Boo Boo
- Cutie Pie
- Butter Cake
- Sugarcane
- Forever you
- Hercules
- McDreamy
- My World
- Sweet Heart
- Entangled
- Hot Cakes
- My Universe
- Apple Of My Eye
- Babzz
- Mah only Trust
- Spartacus
- Cinnamon girl
- Angelic Voice
- Jack
- My Prince
- Brown eyes
- Spicy
- Mister
- Forever mine
- My kind
- Thigh Invader
- Pal
- Baby boo
- My eye
- Macho Man
- Dude
- Beloved
- My husband
- Single bond
- Cowboy
- My sunshine
- My universe
- Honeyy
- Daddy Freeze
- Baby Cakes
- Sugarplum
- Baby Boo
- Dash
- Oreo
- Lion
- Cupcake
- Babes
- True Love
- My Pastries
- Purusha
- Hero of my life
- Forever You
- Prince Charming
- My Fate
- Fat Love
- My King
- My Cookie
- Naughtiest
- Mood controller
- My love
- Mantle
- Only mine
- Donkey Kong
- Mr. Bean
- My boy
- Hot stuff
- Nike
- Iron Man
- My Kind
- My hope
- Fatty
- King Of Heart
- Love Dove
- Sugar
- Romeo
- Honey Bun
- Love
- Booby
- Sweetheart
- My Sunshine
- Always Mine
- Boo
- Baby Face
- Forever & Always
- Choco Berry
- Peanut
- Mah king
- Chiku cherry
- My lover boy
- Baby Boy
- Bubba
- Baby boy
- Cuddler
- Trouble Shooter
- Cat eyes
- Moonlight
- Curious George
- Baby Love
- Angel Boy
- Big Guy
- Sweetie
- Honey Pot
- Sparrow
- Control Room
- Hot Shot
- Tinder Babe
- Honey Pie
- Always mine
- Lightening
- Honey
- Freaky
Related: Cute Girl Nicknames for Games
Contact Names For Cousin
- Cous
- Cuzn’
- Lil Bro
- Cousin Sis
- Cousin-Brother/Sis
- Sis for Life
- Cousin-Bestie
- Cous Bear
- Cuz
- Cousinsaurus Rex
- Cute Cuz
- Cousin Moi
- My Queen
- Cuz
- BFF Spoon
- Munchkin
- Bam Bam
- Pal
- My All-Star
- Cuz
- Silly Goose
- My Cuz
- Cuzo
- Basically Bro
- Brother from Another Mother
- Cuz-Kiddo
- Pooky
- Lil’ Cuz
- Cuzo
- Cuz with Fuzz
- Brother-In-Waiting
- Funky Nephew
- Niece
- My Squirrel
- Buddy
- Bae
- Cuzn for Life
- Cuzzy
- Tootsie Roll
- Cousin Wookie
- Favorite Cousin
- My All
- Cutie Patooty
- Cuzzy
- Cozy
Related: Nicknames for Tall Guys
Cool and Funny Contact Names for Best Friend
- Big Joe
- Mr. Handsome
- Chipmunk
- Dottie
- Speedy
- Squirt
- Tank
- Tiny
- Bond
- Giggles
- Goon
- Punk
- Scout
- Ace
- Rambo
- Gump
- Dude
- Pal
- Cutie Pie
- Bonny Lass
- Coach
- Junior
- Smarty
- Boomer
- Smiley
- Rapunzel
- Sweet Potatoe
- Super Human
- Shortie
- Kiddo
- Sweetums
- Toots
- Buddy
- King
- Precious
- Bug
- Buttercup
- Lovey
- Cute Best Friend Nicknames
- Boo
- Buttercup
- Lovey
- Chipmunk
- Dottie
- Hearty
- Smiley
- Ms. Congeniality
- Teeny
- Cutie Pie
- Bonny Lass
- Treasure Pack
- Pleasure Pack
- Chief
- Buck
- Buster
- Bud
- Champ
- Bro
- Nugget
- Sport
- Slim
- Bee
- Dolly
- Amigo
- Bubba
- Senior
- Doc
- Teacup
- Oldie
- Mouse
- Munchkin
- Cutest
- Hawk Eye
- Sweetums
- Toots
Related: Nicknames for Aunt
How To Choose a Creative Contact Name?
Sometimes you don’t want to give someone any name, but things just happen. Either the other person does something, or something happens to him that you can’t help yourself anymore.
But still, you should never, and I repeat, never call or save someone’s name on your phone that they don’t seem to like. Then, how do you give a nickname to someone?
#1: The Name Should Match Their Personality
See if the name you are about to give someone matches their personality, trait, behavior, nature, or circumstances. What I mean is obviously, you wouldn’t nickname a skinny guy “fatty,” right? That doesn’t make sense at all.
#2: Consider Naming Them Based On Their Hobbies
Please take a good look at what that particular person, most probably, your friend, often does; what’s his hobby, and assign them a name accordingly.
#3: Differentiate Between Having Fun & Making Fun
Perhaps the most important factor in saving contact names: Don’t cross the boundaries of humor and fun; remember the difference between having fun with someone and making fun of someone.
Related: Nicknames for short people
Why Should We Save Funny Contact Names?
In my opinion, the funnier the contact name, the stronger the bond between you and that person. Let’s break it into pieces for you to understand better.
Suppose you are at your friend’s place, but they aren’t home, so you dial their number and call, but seconds later, you hear his phone ringing, and you realize that he/she forgot his phone at home.
You follow the ringing sound, find the phone, and see “BFF, Brother/Sister, or Love Is Calling” on his/her phone screen. You can pretty much imagine how cool & lovely that would feel.
Now, turn the whole situation around, in which your friend finds your phone at your place like this. I guess that this scenario explains the whole point, and there isn’t more to say.
I have given some basic factors about saving contact names on your phone, which things to keep in mind, and which things to avoid.
Remember to let your loved ones know that you actually love them in any way possible. Otherwise, one day you’ll look back and regret not doing enough.
Let me know in the comments what you think of all this, saving such cool for your people.
Thanks for reading this far. Till next time. PEACE!
Saba is a Public Administration graduate and a social media and gaming geek, belongs to a business background, and helps people to choose their business names. She loves to write on topics related to business tips, and suggestions about selecting a unique name and related niches.